Trustees - What they do
The Board of Trustees is a team of dedicated volunteers who meet as a full board four times a year, as wel as sitting on one of three committees including Finance, Audit and Risk; ( 6 meetings) People and Resources ( 3 Meetings) and Learning and Teaching ( 3 meetings). The Board is responsible for the overall strategic management and direction of the school. Trustees challenge and support the Head Teacher and Senior Leaders to ensure the best educational opportunities for all the children attending our school.
Individual Trustees have a champion responsibility. They arrange to visit the school regularly to enable them to gather information and fulfil their role. Visits include time spent in classes and looking at children’s work, talking to children, staff or parents, attending school events or staff training, and working with subject leaders.
Board of Trustees
This information gives an overview of an academy trustee's responsiblities.
Trustees have a strong focus on three core startegic functions:
- Ensuring Clarity of vision, ethos, and strategic direction;
- Holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff and
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
Trustees are appointed to provide:
- strong links between the academy and the community we serve
- a wide experience of the outside world
- an independent view
- a focus on long term development and improvement
- accountability to the community for the use of resources and the standards of teaching and learning within the academy
- support for the Head Teacher and Staff
Trustees are expected to:
- attend regular meetings of the Board of Trustees
- work as a member of the Board of Trustees in the best interests of the academy
- show an interest in academy activities
- become well-informed about education in general and about our academy in particular
- become familiar with the rules of academy governance
- keep up to date with changes in education legislation
- attend training courses, where appropriate
Trustees are involved in the following activities:
- senior staff appointments
- the financial management for the academy
- safeguarding
- the curriculum
- community links
Acting Chair of Trustees: Marian Bullock
Vice Chair: Elaine Etheridge
Trustees: Tracy Shipp ( Head Teacher)
Elizabeth Buckley
Lisa Drake
Moosajee Patel
Dean Newbery
Anne Gould
Rachael Bennett
Members: Matt Earl
Justin Pinchbeck
Christopher Brown
John Nash
Governance Professional: Christine Prosser
To contact the Chair of Trustees you can either write a letter or send an email using the following address: Please mark all correspondence Private and Confidential.
Meet the Board
There are vacancies for co-opted Trustees, ( This person may be a member of the community and/or someone who has an interest in education), and a parent Trustee. If you are interested in joining our Board of Trustees please fill in the application form in the vacancies tab and send to the Clerk of Trustees at We will then make you an appointment with the Head Teacher or Chair of Trustees to discuss the role further.