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SMSC provision

At Tredworth Infant and Nursery Academy we are committed to valuing and nurturing each child as an individual who will achieve his/her best and develop a lifelong love of learning.

We have a dedicated staff team made up of individuals who place the child at the heart of everything they do. Staff work together to ensure high expectations of academic achievement and behaviour.

We are committed to raising standards, values and self esteem for all those involved with our school through establishing a secure, safe environment which is positive, supportive, stimulating and enriching.

Our Intent is to;

  • Ignite a love of learning in every child, nurture children’s natural curiosity and their ability to develop as independent learners in a secure, positive learning  environment
  • Support and challenge every child to achieve his/her personal best in an environment  where learning is acknowledged as a valuable experience and success is celebrated
  • Celebrate the richness and diversity in our multi-cultural society and teach every child tolerance and the need for mutual respect
  • Have high expectations of behaviour through a clear, consistent, positive approach to behaviour management and instil a respect for moral values
  • Establish a strong partnership with parents, other schools and the wider community, encouraging two-way communication and involvement

Our Values


'Be Proud, Be Brilliant, Belong'

Our Values are interwined with our whole curriculum and our strap line and are picked up through our SCARF PHSE programme. Our Assemblies are based on them and we celebrate children who demonstrate our values in our celebration assemblies on Fridays.


 Term Value
Term 1 Friendship 
Term 2 Honesty
Term 3 Respect and Responsibility
Term 4 Courage
Term 5 Resilience
Term 6 Pride


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