School Uniform

We are proud of our school uniform, which encourages a sense of belonging and pride in our children. Every child will receiev Please name all items of clothing.
Uniform is as follows:
Grey Trousers or skirt
Grey shorts or blue school dress in summer
White polo shirt
Navy sweathshirt or cardigan (preferably with school logo)
We also have some good quality second hand uniform available in school, please ask at Reception to view the clothes.
We do not stock brand new uniform in school. You are now able to order uniform (with our new school logo) on-line with our supplier; pay online and the order can be delivered to your home (delivery charge) or delivered to the school (delivery charge).
Please use the following link for school uniform:
Tredworth Infant and Nursery Academy Uniform (
Please use this link to replace a lost or damaged Book Bag:
Tredworth Infant and Nursery Academy – My Clothing
P.E Kit
- T-shirt
- Shorts
- Daps
Sensible shoes must be worn at all times. Crocs, flip-flops, trainers and footwear with heels are not allowed. Children are not allowed to wear jewellery except a plain watch. Earrings other than studs will be removed in the interest of health and safety.
Children are required to keep PE kit in school in a bag clearly named (not a plastic carrier bag).
Book Bags
All new children arriving at our school are provided with a book bag. Replacement bags maybe purchased directly from the website: Tredworth Infant and Nursery Academy – My Clothing
Lost Property
Parents/ carers are asked to label all clothing with their childʼs name. Lost property which cannot be identified is kept near the school office. Anything unclaimed is recycled at the end of each term.