We are always looking for ways we can improve our school and you, the parents are well placed to help us. We love to hear if we have dome something which has been particularly good for you or your child so that we can build on it and make the school a better place for everyone. So please do contact the Head Teacher, or the member of staff directly to tell us about it. Equally if you feel something could have been better with just a little change pleases give us you sugesstions in the same way.
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Compliment Quotes
"I should just like to thank you and your staff for allowing me to link tutor our students at your truly outstanding school.
From the moment I arrive at Reception, it is obvious that this is a thriving and wonderful school with children at the heart of your educational philsosphy.
Our students have been so forunate to workwith such exceptionally professional staff who are incredible role models for teachers of the future. Indeed, they have all commented about the outstanding help and support that they have received.
Pupils are also a joy to work with, always have smiles on their faces and possess incredible knowledge as well as a willingness to learn.
You are all doing a great job at a wonderfully vibrant and supportive school"
Tony Griffiths, Link Tutor, University of Gloucestershire
Unfortunately , however, from time to time things don't always go as planned and usually these issues can be sorted out with a bit of communication between school and home. It is always better to bring anything of this nature to the school's attention and here is how you do that:
1 Approach the member of staff involved to politely give your point of view. Usually with a bit of communication any misunderstandings can be ironed out at this stage.
2 If you are not satisfied with the outcome please arrange to meet Tracy Shipp, the Head Teacher. this can be arranged through the school office, by e-mail to or by telephone.
3 After your meeting with the Head Teacher if you are still unhappy with the outcome you will need to put your complaint in writing using our complaints form (see complaints policy) addressed to the Chair of Trustees. This can be handed into the school office marked confidential for the attention of the Chair of Trustees