Our Curriculum
Our "School Curriculum" comprises of the statutory elements of the National Curriculum together with a range of activities and visits that we feel are relevant and necessary to support the children’s learning. As our intake is generally made up of approximately 35% of children on the pupil premium register and 58% who have English as a second language, many of our children have limited preschool and “real” experiences and knowledge which affect both their acquisition of and understanding of language. We therefore need to take account of this in our curriculum, ensuring Oracy and vocabulary are prioritised and what they learn is relevant to our children. Our Curriculum is also representative of our pupils, celebrating them and their roots while reflecting our values.
After much discussion we felt that Personal Wellbeing was important to support our Be Proud, Be Brilliant and Belong message, encouraging children to find out about themselves, their friends and their community. Science and the Environment is important to prepare our children for their future and learning about what small steps they can take to help, as well as learning about the natural world and how important it is to us all, and The Arts; Music, Art , DT and Drama, areas which will enhance their life and support them to widen their world and opportunities, so in addition to the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum, we plan learning opportunities to ensure our pupils develop skills, knowledge and understanding in these important areas.
Our Tredworth Curriculum is based around questions in each year group which the children will explore over the term and will encompass many different areas of the curriculum. Through this enquiry–led approach, we hope that our children will develop enquiring minds, a curiosity for the world around them, the past and the future, and a thirst for knowledge. We aim to provide challenge for all of our children, helping them to acquire and to retain key knowledge, which they will need throughout their lives. We have included both the skills and knowledge progression that we feel will support our children to progress and identify their gaps in learning, as well as ensuring these elements are both relevant and meaningful for our children.
The Department for Education defines Cultural Capital as "The essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been, thought and said and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement."
Tredworth Infant and Nursery Academy staff are committed to ensuring children's education and experiences are rich in Cultural Capital. We want to develop the Cultural Capital of all the children in our school by providing them with a curriculum that gives them a sense of involvement and belonging to the community, as well as teaching them about their personal history and local geography and engaging and inspiring them in the Arts.
Activities take place throughout the year and culminate in community events including our Roots Festival, Our Environment show and Art Exhibitions.
Other activities include;
- .Participating in a broad and balanced RHSE curriculum.
- Tolerance of different cultures and understanding of differences.
- Role model assemblies from local community members to broaden aspirations.
- Supporting a range of charity organisations.
- Learning and experiencing how to grow a plant, fruit and vegetables in the local allotments and developing their own environment.
- Learning how to play musical instruments and dance from a range of cultures, relevant to them.
- Visiting local communities to learn more about the area they live in and how they are part of it, including the city farm, the resource centre.
- Visiting a religious place of worship, for example a Church or a Mosque.
- Understanding their own history and that of their community.
- Reading and listening to stories by a diverse range of authors.
- Taking part in activities that promote future responsibilities towards the Environment.
- Writing a letter, addressing an envelope and posting it in the post box or at the post office.
- Learning how to navigate the internet safely.
- Learning basic cooking and woodwork skills.
- Taking part in Forest school sessions and learning about the Environment.
- Sports activities and tournaments.
Our curriculum is intertwined with a strong thread of Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural education. The school has adopted a Values based Approach and has seven values which permeate across the school: Friendship,Respect Responsibility, Courage, Honesty, Resilience and Pride. British values are developed in a range of ways as detailed in our British Values Statement.
Through careful monitoring of standards, we aim to ensure that all our children leave Tredworth Infant and Nursery Academy with a secure knowledge of our curriculum, to ensure that they are prepared for the next stage of their education and for life in modern Britain. Regular low stakes quizzes help us to understand what gaps our children have in their knowledge, and enable us to recap on what has been taught previously when needed. We are currently looking at a range of resources and ideas to support retrieval practice.
Curriculum Overview and Documents
EYFS Curriculum - Pre school
EYFS Curriculum - Reception
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